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Stop Dieting to Lose Weight

Stop Dieting to Lose Weight

    Statistics tell us that diets have a 95% failure rate. Don’t let this number fool you though. This number is based on the number of people who try and fail at just about every diet plan on the market. In a desperate attempt to lose weight, people often turn to unsafe methods that may helps them shed some weight initially, but end up hurting them more in the long run. Yo-yo dieting is more damaging to your health than being obese in some cases.

    The Elite 5%

    So How do you get to be in the other 5% of people who succeed at losing weight? Simple. Stop dieting. Stop buying diet pills. Stop buying foods labeled as diet foods. Stop looking for the quick fix. The sooner you are able to accept that there is no quick fix, the sooner you will be able to device a plan that works.

    How to Lose Weight without Dieting

    The first step is to shift your focus away from the scale and make better health your priority. Concentrate on doing things that will lower your blood pressure, lower your cholesterol, reduce the number of medications you take and reduce your risk of diabetes and heart disease. That’s how you can measure success, at least in the beginning.

    The other part of being healthy is how you feel. You will feel happier, more energetic, less fatigued, see an improvement in your mood, improve your memory have a more positive outlook. Don’t overlook these things. The number on the scale does not measure your happiness and it does not give the big picture of your health. Keep living a healthy lifestyle and the weight will come off in time.

    How to Eat to Lose Weight

    Read On

    • 4 ways to Lose Weight, Save Money and Be Green at the Same Time
    • Add Fruits and Vegetables to Your Diet
    • Anyone for the 5:2 diet?-Fasting The Benefits

    There are a number of medications which can reduce inflam

    The first thing most diet plans will do it omit food groups and restrict your diet. Restrictive diets don’t work, however. What does work is making healthier choices and allowing yourself the occasional treat so you don’t feel deprived.

    Start by switching from processed foods to whole foods. Eating foods without an ingredients list is the healthiest way to lose weight. By eating a wide variety of whole foods, you’ll be able to get more vitamins and nutrients, which will help you regain your health. Stock up on whole grains, high fiber foods, fruits and vegetables and foods that are high in protein, but low in fat.

    By making healthier choices every day, you will see progress over time. It won’t happen overnight, but you will see your health improve and you life improve as you feel and look better.


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