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Aries horoscope love compatibility


ARIES AND ARIES: it may be an intense love affair, but neither of the 2 Aries is satisfied with not having the lead. The Aries female objectively tends to dominate. Yet, Aries male too. Therefore there will be a big opposition to be number one, at least during the first days of the relationship. In the bedroom too, both Aries will engage a fierce struggle to dominate the other. The relationship between two Aries may be good though if each has outside interests and/or a career separate from the other. As a matter of a fact, when their energies are not always in the same room and when each partner can satisfy the natural Aries’ will to dominate, the relationship between two Aries is intensely passionate and less destructive.


ARIES AND TAURUS: That’s a difficult match. Taurus likes to stay at home, is possessive and jealous, characteristics highly conflicting with Aries’s need of freedom, new experiences and adventures. Neither in bedroom, Aries and Taurus hardly match: soon in the relationship, Aries will be annoyed and bored of his/her Taurus partner being unoriginal. And the list goes on! Taurus is good at making money but Aries is even better at spending it. This horoscope love match is difficult but in the long term, Aries may appreciate Taurus’s reliability and loyalty.


ARIES AND GEMINI: At least this won’t be a boring relationship since both Aries and Gemini love to talk. It’s a close contest, yet Aries will probably lose it. Most important is that Aries and Gemini share a key-compatibility: both are impatient and concerned to try new things. According to the horoscope, both of these zodiac signs have no inhibitions.
In the balance of the love relationship, Gemini is smart enough to counter Aries’s will to dominate. Both of these minds fit perfectly with each other: Gemini is flexible and creative, Aries is forceful and clever. Sexually, Aries will most likely lead the relationship while Gemini will think up variations to maintain Aries’s excitation at a peak. This is a perfect match!


ARIES AND CANCER: Aries and Cancer characters will be fascinated with each other at the very beginning of the relationship, but soon sexual attraction will gradually fade away. Cancer loves to be at home. Don’t ask your Cancer partner what he/she wants to do tonight, the best is to have a romantic dinner at home. On the other hand, Aries hates being tied down. They like to live adventures and to have new experiences. Moreover, Aries can be aggressive sometimes (they have sharp tongues), and the Cancer’s partner will become more and more defensive from his/her Aries partner. To resume, there’s few love compatibility between these two.


ARIES AND LEO: At first sight, Aries and Leo are hardly compatibles. Both have a huge ego and they like to lead the relationship. Leo constantly needs to be admired and Aries always dream to have the first role. Into Aries’s mind, being second is a failure. But apart this problem that can be solved (Leo can be the Emperor, and Aries the general), that’s a good match and some tips can be given: the main trick is for neither to take the other too seriously.
Between Aries and Leo, the sexual horoscope match is great as both are fiery and romantic. Aries is optimistic and open-minded; Leo is generous and good-hearted. If you can sort out who dominates whom, this should be a very happy bond.


ARIES AND VIRGO: Aries’s audacity should amuse introverted Virgo for a time. But they have completely different thoughts about what should take place in the bedroom and elsewhere. Sexually, Aries is impetuous and straight while Virgo’s sexuality is more enigmatic and takes longer to be revealed. Aries wants to dominate and insists on being boss in the relationship but Virgo wants things to be done his/her way and is very critical to Aries’s extravaganza. In a word, a very bad horoscope love match for those two and they should end up making war, definitely not love!

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ARIES AND LIBRA: There is a natural and powerful initial attraction between those two. Aries’s need to dominate stimulates Libra’s sexual and sensual potential. Even if Libra wants calm, peace and harmony, the love relationship between them two may be eccentric for Aries always wants action and adventure.

Both like social life, entertaining and enjoyment, but both are impatient in different ways. In time, Libra will prefer to be with someone less challenging, and Aries should go with someone more adoring. In conclusion, the love relationship between Libra and Aries is a [wiki]paradox[/wiki] in terms of horoscope match: great affair, poor marriage.


ARIES AND SCORPIO: Love may be a bonfire between Aries and Scorpio. They’re physical, vigorous and loving. Sexually, they should make it in the bedroom. It’s more the emotional aspect of the relationship they can’t handle. Each needs to dominate the other. In the end, Scorpio’s jealousy may ruin the relationship: Aries is an adventurous and his needs to have various interests may make Scorpio feel insecure. That will bring out Scorpio’s tyrannical nature. And as everyone knows, Aries want to dominate and hardly like to receive orders. To sum up, this is a difficult horoscope love match.


ARIES AND SAGITTARIUS: Sagittarius persons have a temperament that match very well with Aries’s one. Both are impulsive, dynamic persons who like their social life, have extravagant tastes and enjoy good living. Yet, both Aries and Sagittarius are brutally honest and direct when they talk or during an oral conflict. Arguments may reach a peak between those two.
Sexually, Aries’s forceful approach may not be Sagittarius’s style.
Both have sense of humor and really enjoy each other’s company. To conclude, if Sagittarius and Aries are able to get on well in the bedroom, they will get on well everywhere else.


ARIES AND CAPRICORN: That’s a difficult match. Aries likes to be innovative while Capricorn is more conservative. Aries is impatient, fiery and impetuous while Capricorn is settled, realistic and likes to plan. Moreover, both need to dominate. When money is concerned, the compatibility between Aries and Capricorn may be hard. Aries is extravagant and likes to spend money but Capricorn is very security-minded. Curiously, Capricorn and Aries can match for long term relationships. But they definitely don’t fit for short romances. Sexually, they have a good horoscope match! Capricorn’s deep-seated passions, strength and endurance will gradually win Aries’s respect.


ARIES AND AQUARIUS: The temperaments of both Aries and Aquarius do feat with each other — both like to be active, they have ambition, have many different interests, and are equally eager for sexual adventure. Both like their independence — Aquarius probably more than Aries — and Aquarius may or may not let Aries take control of the relationship. Aries finds the Aquarian utterly exciting, but also never feels entirely secure. Nevertheless, with a bit of diplomacy and understanding from both, this horoscope match definitely is a great affair that may provoke a very serious and romantic relationship.


ARIES AND PISCES: Aries may be a precious help to help Pisces to come out of his/her shell, and in turn, Aries will be most likely hypnotized by Pisces’s seductive and mystic sexuality. The personality differences between Aries and Pisces have a good horoscope compatibility: Aries is fiery and dominating while Pisces is shy and can be easily led. Yet, for a perfect and happy coupling, Aries will have to use a little more tact.


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