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College students work -The Best Places for College Students to Work

College students work – The Best Places for College Students to Work

College students often must work to afford their living expenses, but it is important that they choose a job that provides good experience yet doesn’t take them away from their studies.

 Work in the Right Job While Earning Your Degree – David Castillo Dominici of Free Digital Photos

With the cost of tuition and living expenses continuing to rise, college students often must work to make ends meet. Unfortunately, rigorous course loads and endless assignments can make finding the time to work seem impossible. There are however, some employers who are sympathetic toward the demands and college life and who offer perks to students. Read on to learn about some of the best places for students to work.


The YMCA offers positions that may be especially beneficial to students pursuing degrees in education and social work. For example, most YMCA locations offer after-school programs that employ both students and recent graduates. These after-school programs provide students with valuable experience working with youth and families. They also provide knowledge regarding the operation of a non-profit organization.

Most after-school programs run weekdays from 3 to 6 pm, leaving students who work in them with plenty of time to schedule classes during the week and to study on the weekends. Students who work in an after-school program also enjoy additional benefits, including free YMCA memberships and competitive wages, which typically range from $13 to $18 an hour, depending one experience and education.

The YMCA also offers employment opportunities to students in other fields of study. Students pursuing degrees in exercise science or physical therapy can complete brief certification courses and teach fitness classes; those interested in communications or public relations may find suitable employment at the member service desk. Most of these positions at the YMCA offer flexible scheduling, giving students the option to work just a few hours a week if desired.


UPS can provide valuable experience to students hoping to have a career in a management-related, business, or technical field. UPS offers part-time evening positions with four to five hour shifts, leaving students with ample time to devote to school. The company also offers tuition assistance and starting wages of 17,84 $  to $ 20 $ an hour.

Opportunities for promotion are also available at UPS. For example, Mitch Jacobsen, who began working as a package handler at a UPS facility in Ohio, has earned several promotions and now works as a hazardous materials specialist for $14.75 to $ 26 an hour. This position is still part-time, leaving Jacobsen with enough time to take classes and complete school work.

On-Campus Jobs

On-campus positions are also an excellent option for students. On-campus employers are often willing to work around students’ schedules, and students who work on campus benefit from not having to drive to work.

A variety of on-campus positions tends to be available. Students can, for instance, often find employment in any department on campus and gain valuable experience related to their specific field of study. Students who work on campus may assist professors with conducting research or perform clerical functions in the admissions office, for example. Students can find on-campus jobs by speaking to professors or advisors; many universities also have a student jobs website where available positions are posted.

Preschools and Daycare Centers        

Preschools and daycares are also ideal work locations for college students; not only do they provide valuable experience in the field of childcare and education; they also tend to offer flexible scheduling. Many preschools and daycares hire students for part-time positions.  For example, a student may assist preschool teachers during the morning shift from 8 a.m. to noon, leaving the student with plenty of time to take classes during the day and the evening.

Preschool centers and daycares may also pay for students to take training classes, including CPR, first aid, and child abuse prevention. These trainings may be useful in future positions, and they certainly look good on a resume.

If positions in daycares and other student-friendly locations are not available, students can typically find employment through their college’s website or by speaking to someone in the career services office. During college, students must remember to focus on their education and find employment that does not demand too much of their time.



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